Gummy Smile
Causes: Genetics (lip is too high, lip comes up too high when smiling, long jaw bone), excess gum growth due to medical conditions/medication etc, tooth clenching.
Treatments: Gum contouring, gum + bone contouring (crown lengthening), botox treatment to the lip, jaw surgery
We all show a different level of gum in our smile, and there is no right answer when we ask how much gum should we be showing. Correcting gum shape can make your smile more perfect and beautiful; showing excess gum in your smile in proportion to your teeth and face, or if your gum levels are uneven can lead a smile to look less symmetrical, even if someone has the perfect set of teeth.
For mild gum adjustments, gum contouring with heat or laser is the treatment of choice. For greater adjustments there is need to do bone and gum contouring together (not jaw surgery), as the bone around your teeth will help set the new shape for the gums. These two methods well for someone who needs to treat the entire arch of teeth and for those who want to treat just a few teeth alike. For more severe cases jaw surgery can also be an option.
Botox treatment can work extremely well in cases where peoples lip is 'overactive' (naturally moves upwards too much during smiling), however it needs to be maintained every 3-6 months.
Gum shape perfected with gum contouring and camouflaged by specially designed porcelain veneers that mimic gum. Patient also had deep root surface debridement to help stabilise health and level of gum before procedure.