Deep Bite
Causes: Genetics (difference in size of your top and bottom jaw, angle at which your teeth come through etc), tooth loss, tooth grinding and clenching, previous dental work or dental injury
Treatments: Braces, Invisalign or occasional restorative options such as porcelain veneers, inlays, crowns or composite bonding
Deep bite treated with Invisalign treatment
A deep bite does not usually cause a great deal of concern cosmetically, but it certainly can have severe long term health implications such as damage to gums, roof of mouth or excesses tooth wear and damage. A deep bite can make your front teeth appear too prominent, hence correcting it not only improves the long-term health of your teeth and gums but also restores balance between your front and back teeth, giving a more youthful smile.
Best treatment for most patients is braces or Invisalign treatment. In cases where there are other bite complications or tooth damage or wear, it may be better to restore the bite, the health and the appearance of you teeth all together by using porcelain veneers, crowns, composite bonding or other restorative treatments.
Deep bite improved and camouflaged with composite bonding and tooth contouring.
Deep bite treated with Invisalign braces (patient also had tooth whitening, porcelain veneers.